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Depends on how they fight. Physical is never OK and if that happens let them know you are there to see it and ask them to stop or run and tell someone like a neighbor. Verbally you should stay out of. In all relationships do we fight sooner or later and it's not easy being married and sharing a life and duties. No one gets along all the time. If it worries you you wait until it's over and speak to them about it. They will not listen as long as they are fighting. Most of the time it just sounds worse than it is.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Well what i did when my parents started rowing was i went and sat on the stairs blocked my mind out of it and relaxed cause let me tell u somthing there not fighting over you there argueing cause they don't love each other and don't be upset cause when i was upset it maked things worse, you wouldn't believe wat happened to me :L

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13y ago

Well I would just keep my nose out of their buisness and just walk away because the most anoying thing for an angry parent is there children fighting or bugging them!!So just do what they ask you to do and don't go giving them attitude even if you really whant to!! 'Cause trust its really not fun spending 3 days in your room!!

Well, good luck to you and your parents,


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9y ago

Probably the best thing you can do is to just stay out of it and realize that they are fighting about things that you can not control. Go to your room and do your best to ignore it. It is a sad situation that parents fight but you do not want to get involved in the fight.
Unfortunately parents do get into arguments and fights. You can't get involved but when things calm down, you should tell them how it makes you feel to have to hear them argue.

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12y ago

Try and convince them to stop fighting. If you fail go and sit somewhere where you cannot see or hear them and wait for them to stop fighting

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15y ago

try no yo get in the way

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14y ago

Keep away from them and ignore them

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Q: What do you do if your parents are fighting?
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Depending on who the person is fighting. ( how serious or not serious it is ). School fight you tell the principle or your parents, maybe even the people who are fighting parents. If it is serious then yes tell the national guard, or police, fbi, depending which country you live in! There is alot you can do. And alot of people you can tell.

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