Tell someone you can trust will help you like the Police or your School Councelor.
Ask yourself this: Does Paul Teutel Jr have a father.
I dont know but you should ask him & take photos =)
You should ask Kenny.
I don't know ask somone smart!
Break the tradition, i would.
YOU ask him out, unless he's fast enough and asks you out, but still, YOU need to take the initiative, and if you don't know what that means then look it up! But if u dont suck his cock fast he wont
The best way to please a man in sex is "Blowjob". Suck His Cock, lick, Kiss, Play... Then let him(dick) in your pussy.Enjoy and ask him how he felt.. Ask him what he likes! Its as simple as that, and don't be shy.
You either wait until you both are in the mood then ask, or it just will happen naturally. If you were to ask straight-out, I can not see it going over so well.
if i was you, i would ask her. Maybe she doesn't like doing it anymore, sit down and talk to her about it.
just let him do wat he wants
Ummmm I Say Ask Your Partner. He/She Should Have Some Ideas!!!! Maybe A Quick Suck!
Answer Asking the girls father for her hand in marriage is a bit old fashioned. I'd ask the girl first, see what she says, and ask her what she thinks about going to her father. She may not appreciate that jesture. She should be of an age where she can answer for herself, and doesn't need her father's permission.
suck it up, and ask. him. out.!
Ummmm I Say Ask Your Partner. He/She Should Have Some Ideas!!!! Maybe A Quick Suck!
it's hard but you must suck it up, go up to her and just plain out ask her out, even if she says no
suck it up and ask him out anyway. the worst thing that can happen is that he says no and things will be like they are now, you without him.