

What should i do during an earthquake?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Wish you were elsewhere . There is little you can do in a major quake.

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Q: What should i do during an earthquake?
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What should do during earthquake?

stay indoors

What should you remember during and after an earthquake?

to get amarryto the personUlove.

Why should you not go in an elevator during an earthquake?

It's safer to avoid elevators during an earthquake because they may malfunction or get stuck, trapping you inside. Additionally, if the power goes out during the earthquake, you could be left stranded in the elevator shaft. It is better to take the stairs if it is safe to do so during an earthquake.

What is the youngest child to have ever been born in an earthquake?

There is no specific record of the youngest child to have ever been born during an earthquake. However, it is possible for a child to be born during an earthquake depending on the timing and duration of the seismic event.

What can peolpe do to prevent getting injured during an earthquake?

To prevent injuries during an earthquake, individuals should secure heavy furniture, bookshelves, and appliances to the wall, practice "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" during shaking, have an emergency kit prepared, and have a family emergency plan in place to know what to do during and after an earthquake.

What should a person be during An earthquake?

during a earthquake you should stand in the middle of a road so then nothing can collapse or land on you, and if so it is very rare, Love all my fans, baby girls out der show em what ye mean MEOW !

Any building that wish to survive a substantial earthquake should be able to do this?

Any building that wish to survive a substantial earthquake should be able to sway. Most buildings in Japan are constructed with isolation bearings, that allow the buildings to sway from side to side during an earthquake.

Should you stay in a bath tub during earthquake?

No, it is not safe to stay in a bathtub during an earthquake. It is better to drop, cover, and hold on under a sturdy piece of furniture, away from windows and heavy objects that could fall. If you are in the bath, it is safer to quickly get out and find a safer place to take cover.

Why should you stay away from bridges or tunnels during earthquake?

They are liable to collapse.

Should you use the elevator during an earthquake?

No. You could get trapped and the elevator could fail and crash to the bottom.

What should be done during an earthquake?

If possible get out into the open where nothing can fall on you. If you are in a built up area shelter under something sturdy. The shaking of the ground is not likely to harm you it is falling objects that hurt people during an earthquake.

What is the kind of earthquake released during an earthquake?

Earthquake waves are called seismic waves.