I am 15 years of age 140 pounds I am able to bench press 215 pounds if you could bench press your bodyweight than you are good but a great number would be your bodyweight multiplyed by 1.5 I only weighlift once a week and make sure not to overtrain as it can cause injury also you must eat a healthy diet if you want to see results or else you are not going to see progress also do not lift up weights to the point in which you start to get over developed.
i am 12 and i weigh around that i do loads of weights and i can bench press around 60 KG
Half your body weight(90 pounds)
Bob Sanders can bench 332-pound bench press
it really depends on the strength of the kid, but on average its between 60lbs. to 80 lbs.
you should bench your weight or more
325-pound bench press … 315-pound power clean … 39-inch vertical jump
it will depend on what kind of bench it is :P
about 7 stone im 13 and can bench press 10-11 stone and that's quite a bit above average.
they say you should be able to bench your own weight but if you have been training for awhile your muscles will let you bench a lot more than your weight.
average is about 350 and they weigh about 250 and around 6'3
The time it takes to reach a 225-pound bench press varies depending on individual factors such as starting strength, consistency in training, and genetics. With a structured training program and dedication, some people may achieve a 225-pound bench press within a few months to a year, while others may take longer.