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Q: What shapes have 2 parallel bases that are not polygons?
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What 3 dimensional figures will have 2 parallel bases that are not polygons?

A cylinder is one of them

What have 2 parallel bases that are not polygons?

There are several cases: any 3 dimensional or more object. Since a polygon is defined as being confined to a single plane, any shape that violates the plane is not a polygon but may still have parallel bases. For cases in only 2 dimensions: Any object that has curves in addition to the parallel bases. A polygon's definition includes only straight sides. Finally, unclosed shapes can have 2 parallel bases with out being polygons even if in a single plane and made up of only straight line sides. A polygon must be closed.

Which shapes have at least 2 parallel bases?

How about a cylinder or a cuboid

What is a 3 dimensional figure with 2 congruent parellel bases that are polygons?

If, by parellel you mean parallel, the answer is a prism.

What has 2 right angles and 2 parallel lines?

A square or rectangle are the only regular polygons, but many other shapes have two right angles and two parallel lines.

Can two dimensional shapes be classified as polygons?

Polygons are a special type of 2-dimensional shapes.

What shapes have area?

Polygons and 2 dimensional shapes

What is a non polyhedron with 2 parallel bases that are congruent?

It is a prism with non-polygonal bases. The bases simply be two identically shaped "blobby" shapes.

What is a 3 dimensional figure with 2 congruent parallel bases that are polygons?

I have no f*cking idea and i am a f*cking 7th grader.

What is a polyhedron with 2 congruent parallel bases called?

A parallelogram or trapezoid.No!A parallelogram or a trapezoid are polygons (2-dimensional). A polyhedron, or 3-dimensional object, with parallel congruent bases is a prism.A prism. To give it fuller description, an "n-gonal prism" where the "n-gon" refers to the 2-d name of the bases.

What 2 dimensional shape is a polygon?

2 dimensional shapes are 2D shapes and polygons are plain shapes with no curves. So some 2D polygons would be squares , rectangle and many more . A circle would not be a 2D polygon.