A plain sided, 2-dimensional figure of TEN(10) sides.
NB From the Latin roots, then names of polygons are :-
3 = tri
4 = tetra/quad
5 = pent
6 = hexa
7 = hepta
8 =- octa
9 = nona
10 = deca (As in decagon above).
Decagon. A decagon is the name of a ten sided shape.
A 10-sided shape is a decagon.
The shape you're referring to is call a decagon.
It is the decagon.
this shape is a decagon this shape is a decagon
Decagon. A decagon is the name of a ten sided shape.
A decagon is a geometric shape which has no power to doanything!
A 2-dimensional shape is a 'DECAGON'. A 3-dimensional shape is a 'DECAHEDRON'.
A shape with 9 sides is a nonagon. A decagon has 10 sides.
Any shape with 10 sides is called a decagon. A regular decagon is a shape with 10 even sides, so you are looking for an irregular decagon.
No. A decagon is two-dimensional.
A decagon is a shape that has ten sides. As long as the figure has ten sides to it, then it is a decagon.
The answer depends on the specific shape and size of the decagon.
The shape is called a decagon. If all the sides and angles are the same, it is called a regular decagon.