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Q: What role did nuclear weapons play in world war 2 for the victory of the allies?
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The Treaty of Versailles was very detrimental to Germany.

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fifth rank in nuclear weapons

How did nuclear weapons affect world war 2?

Two nuclear weapons ended World War 2.

Nuclear weapons in World War 1?

There were no nuclear weapons in WW1. The nuclear bomb was not invented until WW2.

What were the allies greatest achievements in World War 2?

The B-29 Superfortress (pressurized cabins and nuclear capability), Fleet Aircraft Carriers, and Atomic Weapons.

What was a outcome of World War 2?

Victory for the Allies.

Does Egypt have nuclear weapons?

Egypt is not believed or suspected to have nuclear weapons, or a nuclear weapons program, at this time (May 2009). See Related Link for a discussion of the world's nuclear powers.

What is the proliferation of the nuclear weapons?

In the most basic sense, proliferation of nuclear weapons is the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons usable technology in the world. In a much broader sense, it refers to the acquiring of capability to produce nuclear weapons, or weapons-grade nuclear material (high-enriched uranium, plutonium) by states previously not possessing them.

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nuclear weapons

Where the Allies better then axis during World War 2?

NO and Yes, on the basis of theory it was Axis because they had better weapons and technology for e.g. take the panzer 7 it was better than almost all the allies tank in WW2.they lost because their weapons didn't function in the russian winter.but, the victory of the allies goes to russia because they won the battle of berlin.So,it was axis who were better.

What did the allies do in late march 1945?

They succeeded in gaining VE-Day. Victory in Europe Day. Late summer? They forced victory for the allies in the world by nuking Japan.

What role did nuclear weapons play in the allied victory during World War 2?

Two were dropped on Japan, which gave them an excuse to end the war quickly without losing face.