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A 'tyrant' in ancient times meant a lord who was the sole holder of all power, executive and otherwise. He might - if he was so inclined - give his people all kind of rights, like the right to freely travel, to trade, to have and transfer their personal fortunes, to organize themselves in guilds etcetera.

Although the word 'tyrant' today is meant as a negative epithet, often meaning an oppressive ruler, out to suppress his people's freedoms and to fill his prisons with people who disagree with his rule, the original only indicated the scope of his powers - and an ancient tyrant could at the same time be a benevolent ruler.

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7y ago

No rights under a Dictatorship. He decides everything and the people have no say. If they protest they are arrested, sent to work camp, or killed. In Turkey within the last two or three months the elected president suspended civil rights and took control of the government. A week or so ago he came to visit Trump and his security men began to beat up peaceful protesters that were standing there. Washington police had to protect the protesters from them. Hitler did the same thing after he was elected to become dictator. He suspended civil rights and declared the government under his control. We know the rest of what happened there.

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In short no. A dictator may suspend or deny what citizens of democracies regard as rights, at any time.

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6y ago

There are no rights for people when they have a dictatorship or tyranny.

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There are no rights for people when they have a dictatorship or tyranny.

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Q: What rights do citizens have under dictatorship?
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What are the rights of the citizens in dictatorship?

Citizens have no rights under a Dictatorship.

What are the citizens rights in dictatorship?

Citizens have no rights under a Dictatorship.

What are the rights of the citizens in a dictatorship?

Trick question! The correct answer is None!

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A dictatorship is the government where people have no rights.

Do citizens of a dictatorship have rights?

NO. In a theoretical sense, all people have rights as part of the nature of their being human. However, in dictatorships, the state does not recognize these rights, so the citizens do not actually have them.

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South Korea gives it's citizens more rights compared to the dictatorship in North Korea .

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Citizens are ruled under a dictatorship and are all treated the same.

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Cuba has a dictatorship, which limits the voting rights of the citizens.

Government in which leaders have absolute power and citizens have no rights?

No government form has unlimited power in the world (eventually other countries will intervene), but in a dictatorship, the dictator can do virtually whatever he wants.

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Communism is a dictatorship and doesn’t allow for citizens participation in the government nor provide human rights.

What are the rights of people in dictatorship?

The people of a Dictatorship only have the rights given to them by the dictator.

Compare and contrast different types of democracies with different types of dictatorships?

The comparison between democracy and dictatorship entails comparing the rights enjoyed by the citizens under each. Under dictatorship, the government has the power from the military hence intimidation and oppression is rampant. The plus side is that it boasts lower crime rates. Under democracy, the citizenry are free and enjoy all their basic human rights. The downside though, is that the decision making machinery is slow. The different types of democracy are direct, indirect and elite democracy. The types of dictatorship are Communism, monarchy, oligarchy and fascism.