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For the lines, from bottom to top: Every Good Boy Does Fine

In between the lines, from bottom to top: FACE.










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12y ago
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12y ago

On the treble cleff on the ledger lines:

Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit

On the treble cleff in the spaces:

FACE in the SPACE (F A C & E are the notes in the space)

And on the bass cleff on the ledger lines:

Gabby Bought Drums From Africa

On the bass cleff in the spaces:

All Cows Eat Grass

Hope it helps (:

this is how i remember it(:

every good boy deserves football

every good boy deserves football always

elephants and donkeys grow big ears


minor chord made with three two and halfs and three sevens and two eighths

fourteen men in a boat row gently

one octave skale is equal to two treble cleffs

a quaver is two octaves

if you play a chord on a keyboard it's called two crotchets on a piano

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12y ago

There several phrases in common use. I was taught "Good Boys Deserve Fun Always".

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Is A bass clef and a treble clef the same?

Clefs do not have 'sounds'. They are merely tools to indicate where on the musical stave notes are to be placed. However, the treble clef 'places' higher notes than the bass clef. If a clef is placed in the middle of the staff, then the notes that follow that clef are of that clef. For example, if the bass clef is placed on the treble staff, the notes that follow it are to be interpreted as "bass clef" notes and played using lower notes on the piano. The opposite is true if the treble clef is placed on the bass staff.

What is the rhyme for the notes in a bass clef?

Good Birds Don't Fly Away, or Good Boys Don't Feed Aliens

What is a staff symbol?

A staff symbol represents the notes to play. For example:treble clef is higher then bass clef.

What is a treble and a bass staff together called?

The piano is one instrument that has the range to bridge the two staffs--bass and treble.

Why is the bass clef used to tell you what notes are bass?

Bass Clef and F Clef are used synonymously. The two dots of the clef are placed around the note F on the staff.

What is a bass staff?

A bass staff is a musical staff which opens out with a bass clef.

Does bass rhyme with case?

Yes, unless you pronounce "bass" to rhyme with "class".

How do you remember piano notes?

treble cleff: every good boy deserves football bass cleff:face

What is created by a bass staff and a treble staff?

i think i know the answer... its the grand staff. you were probably doing a crossword puzzle from your teacher. Yeah, Im doing it too.

What is the line that holds a half note called?

The five lines and four spaces on which notes on a musical page are written, are called a Staff. A Treble Clef and Bass Clef staff are combined for piano music. All notes, quarter notes, half notes, whole notes, etc. are placed on a staff or if they are higher than the staff allows, they use ledger lines. In a piano staff, a ledger line is a short line between the two staffs that is shown when the note Middle C is notated. Ledger lines can also be above the top staff or below the bottom staff.

Importance of clef on the staff?

The clef determines where the notes fall on the staff. In a treble cleff the symbol circles the note G. In a bass cleff the symbol starts on and has two dots surrounding the note F. Different clefs put notes in different places.

What is music writing on?

Music is written on what is called a staff. There are two parts to the staff, called the clef's. The clef with the higher notes on it is called the treble, or "g" clef's. The lower one is called the bass, or "f" clef's. They both have exactly 5 lines and 4 spaces.You can remember the treble clef's line notes by saying this saying going from the bottom to the top: Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge, every good boy does fine, or Elvis's Guitar Broke Down Friday. The space notes spell: FACE.And as for the bass clef's lines: Good Boys Do Fine Always. And the space notes: All Cows Eat Grass.