There are 2733 stores across the United States that sell Pandora Jewelry. There are few chains that sell them, however on Pandora's website, there is a store locator where one can type their address or zip code and get a list of the nearest stores that carry Pandora products.
Online Jewelry Stores carry the best assortment of charms for bracelets and charm bracelets. There are several that offer Pandora style charms with similar quality for a fraction of the price. If you search for "Pandora style charms" or "charms for bracelets" you will find a variety to choose from.
Identification bracelets can be found at most medial suppy stores and a few stores that carry jewelry. Places such as Wal-Mart and Target carry these bracelets and they are customizable.
Jewelry stores across the country carry David Yurman bracelets. The bracelets can also be found online at ebay,amazon, and pawngo. They are also sold at high end stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue.
There are many retail stores that carry accessories for the iPod shuffle. Stores such as Walgreen's, Wal-Mart, Kmart, and many other retail stores sell accessories for iPod products including the shuffle.
Bangle bracelets are available in any department store such Target, Macy's, Kohl's; both in stores locally and on line. Jewelry stores also carry bangle bracelets. Handmade jewelry stores through also are an option.
Most high end jewelry stores sell Pandora jewelry. Pandora has shops in shopping malls that only sell Pandora jewelry. Jareds also sell the jewelry.
There are now three PANDORA flagship stores in the Saint Louis Metro Area. One is in the St. Louis Galleria, another is located in West County Mall, and the third is on the Illinois side of the river in St. Clair Square. Each of these stores carry only PANDORA, and feature the full collection of beads, bracelets, charms, earrings, rings and necklaces. There are also a number of other stores in the St. Louis Area that carry PANDORA. These include Clarkson Jewelers in Ellisville and the Meadows of Lake St. Louis, and First Capitol Trading in Saint Charles. Visit and use their store locator to find the location nearest you.
There are many retail stores that carry webcams with microphones. Two online stores are Best Buys and Amazon. Another store on and off line is PC World.
Copper bracelets can be purchased from a variety of stores. Drugstores such as Shoppers Drug Mart and Walmart, carry copper bracelets for the claimed medical benefits.
There are several retail stores who carry Dockers shoes. They include Sears, Kohl's, Palais Royale, Nordstrom and Zappos. Online, they are sold by Amazon and Dockers' own website.