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squares, rectangles, some rhombuses .... I'm not sure all angles can be congruent

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Q: What quadrilaterals have all four angles congruent?
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What quadrilateral has all angles congruent?

The quadrilaterals with all angles congruent are rectangles and squares. They are the only quadrilaterals in which all four angles are right angles.

What quadrilaterals has all angles are congruent?

Rectangles have all angles congruent,

What quadrilaterals have congruent adjacent angles?

Rectangles or squares; both of these have only right angles, so all the angles are congruent.

Do all quadrilaterals have 4 congruent angles?

no, for example a rhombus

Every quadlitaeral a rectangle?

No. A quadrilateral is a any closed polygon with four sides. A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles and congruent opposing sides. Therefore, all rectangles are quadrilaterals, but not all quadrilaterals are rectangles.

Are angles and sides of a parallelogram congruent?

In all parallelograms, opposite angles and opposite sides are congruent. If all four sides are congruent, it's a rhombus. If all four angles are congruent, it's a rectangle. If all four sides and all four angles are congruent, it's a square.

Does a Quadrilaterals have four angles?

Yes, all Quadrilaterals have four sides, therefore they must have 4 angles.

Two pairs of parallel sides and all angles congruent?

Two different quadrilaterals have two pairs of parallel sides and have all their angles congruent. They are the square and the rectangle.

What is a quadrilateral with 4 angles?

All quadrilaterals have four angles

In which quadrilaterals are consecutive and oppositive angles always congruent?

All rectangles (this includes squares).

What is the property of all rectangles?

They are 4 sided quadrilaterals and have 4 right angles with a pair of opposite parallel sides but it is not a square.

What has 4 congruent and no right angles?

A rhombus is a parallelogram with all four sides congruent to each other with no right angles. A square is a parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles.