

What author uses dialect?

Updated: 3/25/2024
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11y ago

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There are many authors who use dialect in their stories:

Robert Burns, a Scottish poet who wrote in Scots dialect and celebrated the culture and heritage of his country.

Mark Twain, an American writer who used various dialects of the American South and West to create realistic and humorous characters.

Toni Morrison, a Nobel Prize-winning American author who used African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and other dialects to explore the themes of race, identity, and history.

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Alice Ruiz

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10mo ago
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3mo ago

Mark Twain is known for using dialect in his writing, particularly in his works such as "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." Twain used dialect to capture the unique speech patterns and cultural nuances of characters from the American South during the 19th century.

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13y ago

a convosation

It's not "a convosation." Dialogue is a conversation. Dialect is a term that applies to particular speech patterns, or it's characteristic to a particular group of the language speakers. For example, cockney in England.

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10y ago

"Say, Fred," said Bob, "What is dialogue in literature anyway?"

Fred replied, "It's more than one person talking in a piece of text, usually to one another."

"Oh," said Bob, "like two people talking to each other in a story."

"Yeah. Sort of like that."

"Kind of like what we're doing now", continued Bob.

Fred pondered. "Yeah. Kind of like that."

"Kind of exactly like that, right Fred?"

"I guess so."

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13y ago

Dialect is a regional way of speaking that is utilized by some writers to give a more authentic feel to the dialogue between characters.

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10y ago

To allow the reader a sense of a character's culture and upbringing

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