Hockey {NHL} is the most expensive sport but it is very intertaining
The least sport that would be watch is cricket because you just have to run back and fort the best sport is baseball its more better then the other sport.
Every or most occidental sports
5 characteristics of a good sport are run, run, run, run and sweat.
basketbal cuz u got to run,jump,backpeddel,ect......
For a given configuration of plant and equipment, short-run costs vary as output varies. The firm can incur long-run costs to change that configuration. This pair of terms is the economist's analogy of the accounting pair, above, variable and fixed costs
There is no fixed answer because all costs are subject to change in the long-run.
It may run to many thousand if you looking for a professional one.
baseball is the sport with the least injuries because all you do is run around bases. The most common injury in baseball is a hamstring
most basic would be to reduce your costs, and acquiring assets like machinery and AI systems that will cut costs in the long run
you run