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Carbon dioxide

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Alexandrine Jones

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The action of yeast which produces carbon dioxide gas, this forms the little bubbles in the dough, which causes the bread to rise. Yeast is the ingredient that helps the most in the rise of the dough.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yeast turns sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide makes the bread rise. The alcohol kills any mold or bacteria that had been growing in the grain while the bread rises. That keeps the bread from becoming poisonous. If the bread does not rise, it is like eating a thin piece of wood. Go to a grocery store and pick up a box of matzo. Eat it. That is bread that was cooked without yeast. When the bread has finished rising, it is cooked and ready to eat.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Carbon dioxide.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Carbon Dioxide

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: What by-product of fermentation cause bread to rise?
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What products produced by yeast cells fermentation cause bread to rise?

Carbon dioxide

Why is unleavened bread more healthful than leavened bread?

Fermented bread contains yeast. During anaerobic respiration, the yeast produces CO2 as a byproduct of fermentation; the CO2 makes the bread rise. Without yeast, there is no fermentation- no CO2 is produced, and the bread does not rise.

How does the processes of fermentation help bread rise?

answer 2 In the fermentation process, the yeast produces CO2 which, as bubbles, makes the bread more porous, and 'rise'.

The gas bubbles that cause bread to rise are carbon dioxide made in which process?

The gas bubbles that cause bread to rise are made in a process called fermentation. During fermentation, yeast or bacteria consume sugars in the dough and produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct, which gets trapped in the dough, causing it to rise.

What is the role of fermentation in baking bread?

Fermentation - creates bubbles of carbon dioxide... which causes the dough to rise, and gives bread light, open texture.

What causes bread to rise during alcoholic fermentation?

During alcoholic fermentation, yeast consumes sugars in the dough and produces carbon dioxide gas as a byproduct. The carbon dioxide gas gets trapped in the dough, causing it to rise and create air pockets or bubbles, resulting in a lighter and fluffier texture of the bread.

Why is yeast used in bread?

Yeast makes the bread rise. This happens due to alcoholic fermentation. This is so that the yeast can reproduce. :)

What cellular process causes bread to rise?

Fermentation causes bread dough to rise. Certain yeasts and bacteria are capable of producing energy from sugars through fermentation. Yeast such as S. cerevisiae causes bread dough to rise. - Intro to Biotechnology (Third Edition): Thieman & Palladino

How do yeast cells make the pan de sal rise?

Pan de sal is a kind of bread, meaning that the yeast causes it to rise like it causes any bread to rise. Namely, yeast causes fermentation, and in breads, this interaction with the monosaccharides found in the dough creates carbon dioxide bubbles that cause the bread to rise.

The process carried out by yeast that causes bread dough to rise is?

Alcoholic fermentation

Yeast cells perform what kind of fermentation?

Bread. Without it, the bread would never rise.

Process used to make bread rise lactic acid fermentation or alcoholic fermentation?

alcohol fermentation -- the ethanol (alcohol) and carbon dioxide are produced by the yeast.