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That was the campaign slogan for William Harrison in the election of 1840.

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Q: What president ran with tippicanoe and tyler too?
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Where did the famous phrase of tippecano and tyler too come from?

came from the election in 1840, when William Henry Harrison (also known as "Old Tippecanoe") ran for president with John Tyler running as vice president. they used the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler too".

What was the meaning of Tippicanoe and Tyler too?

Tippecanoe was the nickname of William Henry Harrison. He received the nickname after a battle against native Americans near the Tippecanoe River when he was Governor of the Indiana Territory. His running mate in the 1840 presidential election was John Tyler.

Who was elected vice president in 1840?

John Tyler was the vice-president elected in 1840, The slogan Tippecanoe and Tyler too became famous. "Tippecanoe" was Harrison who died after a month in office so Tyler became president.

What president won fame for his victory at the tippecanoe river?

William Henry Harrison "Tippecanoe and Tyler too!":D

What slogan would attract voters?

One that would grab the potential voter's attention and make them want to vote for that candidate, such as Wm H Harrison's "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" when he and John Tyler were running for President and Vice President of the US.

Who was the running mate for president William H. Harrison?

The United States Presidential election of 1840 saw current President Martin Van Buren compete against William Henry Harrison, who beat off competition from Henry Clay and Winfield Scott to run as Presidential nominee.

What was William Henry Harrison's motto when running for president?

His campaign slogan was "Tippecanoe and Tyler too." Harrison was a war hero from the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811, and John Tyler was his running mate.

Who was the president when John Tyler was the vice president?

John Tyler was Vice-President under William Henry Harrison. President Harrison fell ill with pneumonia following his inauguration and died only a month after taking office.John Tyler was the Vice President under President William Henry Harrison from March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841.John Tyler was the Vice President under President William Henry Harrison from March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841.John Tyler was the Vice President under President William Henry Harrison from March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841

Who was the first vice president to become president without being elected president?

John Tyler was the first vice president to become President without being elected as President. He took over for William Henry Harrison, who was the first President to die in office in 1840.

What was William Henry Harrison's claim to fame as a US president?

Harrison was the first president to die in office.He was the president who served for the shortest time: just one month.He made the longest inauguration address.His campaign slogan, "Tippecanoe and Tyler, too," was long-remembered.He was the first Whig president.He and his vice-president, John Tyler, grew up only about a mile apart in Virginia.

Why do people remember John Tyler?

You probably remember from history class that Tyler ran for the vice-presidency with William Henry Harrison on the "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!" slogan. You probably also remember that Old Tippecanoe lasted about a month in office before succumbing to an illness. Harrison's death brought up an odd situation for the federal government. For the first time ever, a President had died in office, and it wasn't entirely clear how the succession situation would play out. Amid the confusion, Tyler declared that he had full presidential powers. He arranged to be sworn in and gave an inaugural address while downplaying any talk of being a "temporary" President. Although opponents dubbed Tyler "His Accidency," his rise to power would set the basic standard for presidential succession that would eventually be formalized in 1967 with the 25th amendment. Tyler's plan wasn't exactly the same as the one we have now, though; he spent the rest of his term without a vice president.

Who was first vice president to be elected president?

The first Vice President to become President was John Adams, who was elected as the 2nd president when George Washington declined a third term in 1796. He was also the first sitting Vice President to be elected President.The first Vice President to succeed to the office was John Tyler, when William Henry Harrison (the 9th US President) died on April 4, 1841, just 1 month after being inaugurated.