None, but Eugene V Debs ran in 1920 as the Socialist candidate for President, while serving a prison term for opposing the Draft in WW1.
Eugene Debs, a socialist , got a fairly large number of votes in 1920 when he was in prison. Woodrow Wilson refused to pardon him, but Harding did later.
He ran unopposed in 1820. That was the only time someone ran unopposed for U.S. President since George Washington's two elections.
A vice-president does not have to resign his office in order to run for President. Martin Van Buren, Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, George H. W. Bush and Al Gore all ran for President while holding the office of vice-president.
you would be president.
Wallace ran for President in the 1968 election
Gus Hall ran for President of the United States four times in a row and was defeated each time. He ran in 1972, 1976, 1980, and 1984.
If the incarcerated person was not incarcerated for the entire year, he was still an eligible dependent. Also, if the incarcerated person is under 18 and the parent's provide his support while he is incarcerated he can also be claimed as a dependent.
Eugene Victor Debbs
The war in Korea was going on when Eisenhower ran for President. He began peace talks while he was still president-elect.
Shirley Chisholm was the African American who tried to become President of the United States in 1972. She did not win the Democratic nomination that she needed to get on the ballot.
There is not any law against getting married while you are incarcerated. You will not be able to leave jail while you get married.
While you are incarcerated yes, but most can generally gain this back once they are not incarcerated.
Jesse Jackson ran for president in 1988.
Nixon was elected to two terms. He ran for President in 1968 and 1971.
An attorney should be contacted to rescind a guilty plea while incarcerated. A plea can be withdrawn or changed anytime before sentencing takes place.