Port 69 and UDP are used for tftp transmissions.
By default a TFTP server will accept connection requests on UDP port 69.
because TFTP is not capable of encrypting transmissions and FTP is.
RouterC#copy running-config tftp [copy run tftp]
RouterC#cpoy tftp running-config [ cpoy tftp run ]
Either from below is possible:Link to TFTP server is temporarily damaged.Link to TFTP server is permanently damaged.TFTP is shut down.
it copies the ios FLASH to TFTP SERVER
.What is the difference between FTP and TFTP?
config tftp run
Nope, TFTP Relys on the UDP Checksums, and even those are optional, that's why its not used often exept for Bootloaders etc. Also there is no Encryption for tftp packets
TFTP server, Flash