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Q: What policies or areas the secretary of state deals with?
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What cabinet deals with foreign affairs?

The Secretary of State.

Which cabinet secretary deals with military operations?

While the Secretary of Defense probably deals with the majority of things pertaining to military operations, other cabinet posts also play substantial parts. Secretary of State, for instance. Or Transportation.

Agrarianism and support for the French were the policies of this Secretary of State?

Thomas Jefferson

What is Hilary Clinton's respnsibilities?

A Secretary of State, she is in charge of the Department of State which deals with foreign relations, and is also a close advisor to the President.

What is the key role of the secretary of state is?

The key role of the Secretary of State is to advise the President of the United States on foreign affairs. The Secretary office carries out the President's foreign policies through the State Department, which includes the Foreign Service, Civil Service, and U.S. Agency for International Development.

What are four areas of state authority?

The four areas of state authority are their powers to tax, regulate state commerce, create/enforce policies and their authority of eminent domain.

What branch conducts foreign policies?

The U.S. Secretary of State is the foreign minister and the official charged with conducting foreign policy. However, the President of the United States has the final authority on foreign policies. Each country outside of the US, conduct their own foreign policy with cabinet members or country leader having the final say so.

Who is the major department who is appointed by the president to deal with foreign countries?

The Secretary of State fulfills this role. The Secretary of State under Barack Obama is, in 2014, John Kerry.

Washington's secretary of state and organizer of a political party opposed to Hamilton's policies?

Thomas Jefferson

Is Condoleezza Rice in the legislative branch?

I oversee a federal agency that enforced new policies

What is SOS registration?

S.O.S. is an acronym that stands for Secretary of State. A registration from the S.O.S. is one in which deals with charitable organization and expires after 24 months.

What is the email for the secretary of state?

Are you interested in the email address of the US Secretary of State or the Secretary of State for a particular state?