

What planets surround Betelgeuse?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What planets surround Betelgeuse?
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Is Betelgeuse a part of the jovian planets?

No. Betelgeuse is a star well outside of the solar system.

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No planets surround Neptune. But the closest planet is Uranus.

What planet is bigger then Betelgeuse?

No planets are bigger than Betelgeuse. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star located in the constellation of Orion and is significantly larger than any planet in our solar system.

Does betelgeuse have any satellites?

Betelgeuse is a star, not a planet, so it does not have any satellites. Satellites, also known as moons, typically orbit planets, not stars.

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How long is Betelgeuse day?

Betelgeuse is a star, not a planet, so it does not have a day. We have a day and night because at times we are facing or not facing our star, the Sun. Planets have days and nights as they rotate, but stars do not.

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How big is the star beatlejuce?

The star Betelgeuse is estimated to be about 1000 times the diameter of the Sun.If you put Betelgeuse where the Sun is; the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars would all be inside the star.

What orbits betelgeuse?

Betelgeuse does not have any planets in orbit around it. It is a red supergiant star located in the constellation of Orion, about 643 light-years away from Earth. It is nearing the end of its life cycle and is expected to explode in a supernova in the future.

How big is Betelgeuse compared from the sun?

Betelgeuse is much larger than the Sun. It is a red supergiant star, with a radius around 650-900 times larger than the Sun. If placed in our solar system, Betelgeuse would engulf all the inner planets including Jupiter.

What planets are by Jupiter?

Jupitar is a planet that is completely isolated in outer space. No planets surround it. Often, people confuse it for a planet that is a part of our solar system, but it is not.

What would happen if Betelgeuse was your solar system star?

If Betelgeuse replaced our Sun, it would likely cause drastic changes in our solar system. Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star, much larger and hotter than our Sun, so Earth would be too close to it and would likely be engulfed by the star's expanded outer layers. The intense radiation and heat would also have significant effects on the other planets in our solar system.