Alliumphobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of garlic which vampires seem to dispize.
i looked it up and i found this Sanguivoriphobia. (San- gwee - vor- ee- fo- bia)
Scared of vampires.
The irrational fear is called a phobia; the experience or object that triggers a phobia could be called a phobic experience or object.
the only phobia of the fear of crickets is crickephobia
Bebuphobia...that is the fear or phobia of blueberries.
To have a phobia is to have a fear.
Mud Phobia is the phobia (fear) of mud. Its called mysophobia, myso meaning mud and phobia meaning fear.
Atychiphobia (kakorrhaphiophobia, fear of failure, fear of failing, failure phobia).
Theophobia- the irrational fear of a god or deity. Remember its only a phobia if its an "irrational" fear, a normal healthy fear is not a phobia.
There is no medical term or phobia name for the fear of immigrants.However a similar phobia called Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners.