we currently live in the Quaternary period, the period of humans.
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We live in the age of modern science
thanks Ebony
I belive iceage?
As an avid historian, I find almost any period interesting. If you live in the USA you will find that most people in that country like to study their own nation's history, with the Civil War period a clear front runner.
Monarchy, the Victorian period or era was named after the Queen of this period. The queen was Queen Victoria.
well i guess if they had a sad life they would use media like water colour pencils cuz i dunno they sorta look splogy and sad :(
what is the critacal period during history in 1780
It live on Late Jurassic Period, 154-150Ma.
they lived in the cretaceous period
Ordovician Period
the critatios period
Cretaceous period,
Cretaceous period
We live in the Quaternary period, which is part of the Cenozoic era.
They lived in the mid-Cretaceous period.
It lived in the Jurassic period.
Parasaurolophus lived in the Cretaceous period.
the Jurassic Period
Triceratops lived in the Cretaceous period.