No, the word 'almost' is not a noun.
The word 'almost' is an adverb, a word used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb as not quite or very nearly.
Example uses of the adverb 'almost':
I almost missed my flight. (modifies the verb 'missed')
The soup is almost ready. (modifies the adjective 'ready')
His payment is almost always late. (modifies the adverb 'always')
It can be a noun: "Science is my favorite subject." It can be an adjective: "I am almost finished with my science project."
I believe it is an adverb. For example: Students almost always dance on the desks when the teacher is out of the room. The word "almost" modifies ''always", which is another adverb.
Dreamily is an adverb because almost all of the time any word ending in -ly will be an adverb.
i want to know what part of speech is camping
almost always a pronoun
The word practically is an adverb. It means to be almost completely.
"Translation" is a noun, as is almost every word ending in -tion.
A noun (as are almost all English words ending in -tion)
It can be a noun: "Science is my favorite subject." It can be an adjective: "I am almost finished with my science project."
I believe it is an adverb. For example: Students almost always dance on the desks when the teacher is out of the room. The word "almost" modifies ''always", which is another adverb.
That very long word is a noun, as are almost all English words that end in the letters "ism".
part of speech
The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.
what part of speech is beneath
The part of speech for "answer" is a noun.