Billing thrilling killing fulfilling
billing canceling cancelling drilling equalling gamboling gambolling grilling groveling grovelling hosteling hostelling kenneling kennelling libeling libelling marveling marvelling milling overspilling overwilling parceling parcelling pistoling pistolling parceling parcelling rivaling rivalling roweling rowelling shiling shoveling shovelling teaseling teaselling thrilling tilling tinseling tinselling unwilling willing yodeling yodelling
Two words that sound like "chew" are "hue" and "moo." These words have a similar vowel sound to "chew."
Words like frosty, icy, chilling, and frigid connote the idea of coldness.
Some words with the long a sound spelled like steak are: break, great, and straight.
Yes, there are other words that sound like shoe or canoe and have "oe" in them, such as woe (meaning great sorrow or distress) and foe (meaning an enemy or opponent).
Words that look like they sound are called "onomatopoeia." These are words that imitate or suggest the sound that they describe, such as "buzz" or "splash."
Two words that sound like "chew" are "hue" and "moo." These words have a similar vowel sound to "chew."
There are other medical words that sound like 'lobotomy', such as oncotomy, tenotomy, and, perhaps most similar, phlebotomy.
The word pry does not have the long e sound. It does have a long i sound though. Some other words like that are why, shy, and guy. There are other words where the y does have the long e sound, like candy or sandy.
Words like frosty, icy, chilling, and frigid connote the idea of coldness.
Some words with the long a sound spelled like steak are: break, great, and straight.
The definition of onomatopoeia is: an imitation of sound in words or the formaton or use of words that imitate the sound associated with something. In other words, it is a word that makes the same sound as it sounds like. For example: "buzz" "hiss" "tick tick tick" Those are all words that sound like how they are pronounced.
Yes, there are other words that sound like shoe or canoe and have "oe" in them, such as woe (meaning great sorrow or distress) and foe (meaning an enemy or opponent).
Some words that sound like igloo:AccrueAdieuAdoAndrewAnewArgueAskewBambooBantuBayouBestrewBlewBlueBooBreakthroughBrewCanoeCashewChewClewClueConstrueContinueCooCorkscrewCrewCuckooCueCurfewDebutDewDoDrewDueEmuEnsueEweFewFlewFlueFluGlueGnuGooGrewGuruHaikuHairdoHebrewHeretoHewHinduHonoluluHoodooHorseshoeHueHughHullabalooImbueImpromptuIntoIssueKazooKnewKudzuLieuLuluMenuMewMildewMiscueMisdoMooMuumuuNephewNewOutdoOutgrewPewPoohPursueQueueRescueRueScrewShoeShooShrewSkewSlewSlueSpewStewStrewSubdueSueTabooTattooTheretoThrewThroughThumbscrewTissueToTooTributeTrueTwoUndueUntoUntrueVenueViewVoodooWaterlooWazooWheretoWhewWhoWithdrewWooYahooYewYouZebuZooZulu
Words that look like they sound are called "onomatopoeia." These are words that imitate or suggest the sound that they describe, such as "buzz" or "splash."
Some words that sound like "net" include pet, wet, and get.
words like pencil with the "l" sound
Yes, as do other words spelled with -IGHT (long I, silent GH). (The exceptions are -IGHT words spelled with EI, which sounds like a long A.)