1. The Awakening
2. The Struggle
3. The Fury
4. Dark Reunion
That's the main series. You don't have to continue on after that, and depending on your age, you're not going to want to read The Return series because it's very mature.
5. The Return: Nightfall
6. The Return: Shadow Souls
7. The Return: Midnight
I haven't read Steefna's Diaries yet, so I can't say if there is a certain maturity level needed for it. . .
8. Stefan's Diaries: Origins
9. Stefan's Diaries: Bloodlust
switchedfangtasticrevampedvampiliocstake twolove bitesuknownuknownuknown
my sister go to read all about vampiers in the network
1 2 3 4 5...
U can go on to eBay or Google it i got mine from eBay!!!
The books are in the following order:The AwakeningThe StruggleThe FuryDark ReunionThe Return: NightfallThe Return: Shadow SoulsThe Return: Midnight(and more coming soon)
because the books are about two teens that fall in love and go on a joyride through out there life, althught one of them is a vampire!
best friends, one is a vampire one is half, go to Vampire Academy which is a school and Rose- who is the half vamp- has to protect Lissa- the vampire- from Strigoi. Moroi are mortal vamps, Strigoi are immortal evil vamps. i love them books!
The white one them the red one
i guess just go on eBay or Amazon and buy it there
The American Girl books can go in chronological order. The order is Kaya, Felicity, Josefina, Kirsten, Addy, Samantha, Rebecca, Kit, Molly and Julie.
go to www.megcabot.com