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Th Atlantic Ocean forms Florida's Eastern Border.

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Q: What oceans border Florida?
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What oceans border Hollywood Florida?

Atlantic and gulf of Mexico

What four oceans border Florida?

gulf of Mexico, Atlantic ocean

Which of the four oceans border Florida?

There are 2 bodies of water that surround the state of Florida; The Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

Does Florida border oceans or lakes?

Yes it does. Florida is surrounded with 3 large bodies of water. *|* Atlantic Ocean *|* *|* Gulf of Mexico *|* *|* Straits of Florida *|*

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The Arctic and the Pacific oceans border Alaska.

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Nevada does not border any oceans or other countries.

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The Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans do touch Europe.

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The oceans border land masses.

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The Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.

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