It is -1.281551
The top percentile is 100. It represents the maximum score.
z = 1.281551
It depends on the underlying distribution. If Gaussian (standrad normal) then the percentile is 77.
The 95th percentile represents an IQ of about 125.
It is -1.281551
The upper score symbol in mathematical notation, also known as an exponent, indicates the number of times a base number is multiplied by itself. It is significant because it simplifies calculations and represents repeated multiplication in a concise way.
The top percentile is 100. It represents the maximum score.
z = 1.281551
If your score is including the writing portion of the test, then no. I this score only represents Critical reading and math, then yes you can get into college with that score.
It depends on the underlying distribution. If Gaussian (standrad normal) then the percentile is 77.
A score as a number is 20
20 in a score
A letter that represents a number is called a variable.
The 95th percentile represents an IQ of about 125.