a monkey.
Monkey's make a kind of OO-OO-OOO-AAA-AAA-AAA noise. They can also make softer noises. Monkeys can also scream if they are scared. They make a kind of clicking or TCH-TCH noise sometimes, too.
no the make to much noise an they act a fool unless you know how to train them then that's a different story
Because she wants to?
Monkey, mouse, mockingbird, machine gun, maracas and motorcycles make noise. They begin with the letter m.
:(|) This is how you make a monkey.
A monkey chatters
to get two monkeys make the monkey grow up and make it have a baby with the monkey in the park
Make a noise like you really want a candy bar. Like Ooo Ooo Ooo. Then impress your friends and peers with your new-found skills!
They make noise by making it.