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The Hebrew name of that mountain, recorded in the Torah, is "SEE - nye".

The word came into English translations of The Bible as "Sinai".

The entire inverted-triangular peninsula between Egypt and Israel is known

as the "Sinai" peninsula, and there is a tourist-frequented monastery in the

mid-south of the peninsula on a mountain identified by some as the mountain

associated with the ten commandments. But the fact is that the mountain has

not been identified with any certainty.

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12y ago

Moses got the ten commandments from God on Mount Sinai.

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11y ago

Moses came down from Mount Sinai. See Exodus 34:29
Mt. Sinai

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God gave Moses the ten commandments on mount Sinai.

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Moses got the ten commandments from God on Mount Sinai.

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12y ago

The ten commandments were given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, it is in Egypt.

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Mount Sinai (Exodus ch.19-20).

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Mount Sinai

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Mount Siani

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Q: What was the mountain where the ten commandments were given?
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Where was the ten commandments born at?

the ten commandments were given to moses at mount sinai

How many commandments where given to Moses?

Ten commandments

Who received the Ten Commandments from God?

The first time it was recorded was with Moses, but there is evidence that the ten commandments were given before that. For instance, the bible tells us that the people kept the sabbath before the ten commandments were given.

What mountain was moses on when he wrote the ten commantment?

The name of the mountain on which Moses climbed for the ten commandments, was Mount Sinai.

How do you use the word ten commandments in a sentence?

I think you mean to use the words "Ten Commandments" in a sentence. Here are some examples.The Bible says that Moses was given ten commandments.There are ten commandments on that page.Our company rules have ten commandments we must obey.If you mean to list the ten commandments in sentences, I recommend that you read the Bible. They're listed in sentence form.

What are all ten commandments?

The ten commandments were given to Moses, sothat the Hebrew would follow gods laws.

Who was the ten commandments sent from?

According to the Old Testament the ten commandments were given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai.

How are ten commandments different from other ancient codes of law?

The ten Commandments were given directly by God to the Israelites.

Who wrote the ten commandments at mountain sini on what were they written?

As Moses was all alone on mount Sinai , so he wrote out the ten commandments, as god was with him.

Who did god give the commandments to?

God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai.

Is mount sinai the mountain Moses climbed to get the ten commandments?


Why aren't the ten commandments in the Bible?

The Ten Commandments are in the Bible, specifically in the Old Testament in the book of Exodus and Deuteronomy. They are a set of ethical guidelines and religious laws given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai.