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Potassium nitrate is typically used to make medicine glass and fireworks.

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Q: What mineral is used to make medicine glass and fireworks?
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What native element is used to make medicine glass and fireworks?


What minerals native element is used to make medicine glass fireworks?


What minerals native element is used to make medicine glass and fireworks?

Sulfur is the native element used to make sulfur-based medicines, as well as glass and fireworks.

What mineral is used to make glass'?


What member of the Alkali earth metals is used to make fireworks and medicine?

Barium and Strontium are both used in medicines and to add colours to fireworks.

What is a member of the alkaline metals used to make fireworks and medicine?

Strontium is commonly used in fireworks to produce a bright red color. It is also used in medicine, such as in dental products for treating sensitive teeth.

What is one way people use silica?

a mineral used to make Glass, rocket proppellants idk what you need that for but thats what you can make it out of, you can also make batteries, and medicine Hope this helps! :)

Which minaral is commonly used to make glasswhat mineral is commonly used to make glass?

Silica is the most common mineral used to make glass. It is found in abundance in sand and is a key component in glassmaking due to its high melting point and ability to form a stable glass structure.

What mineral makes glass and electronic equipment?

Silica, or silicon dioxide, is the mineral used to make glass and electronic equipment. It is a key component in producing products such as glass windows, computer chips, and optical fibers.

What mineral are used to make bright green fireworks?

Barium compounds are commonly used in fireworks to produce a bright green color. Barium nitrate and barium chlorate are two examples of barium compounds that are utilized to achieve the desired green color in fireworks.

What do stars do in fireworks?

make fireworks

What do pyrotechnitions do?

they make and develope fireworks. they make and develope fireworks.