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Q: What manufacturer makes a typical resistor?
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At what level will typical resistors burn out?

A typical resistor will burn out when it dissipates power in excess of double its power dissipation rating for an extended period of time. The power dissipated by a resistor is equal to I2R or E2/R, where E = the voltage across the resistor I = the current through the resistor R = the resistance of the resistor

What materials are used in the manufacture of a typical resistor?

ye nan on a butty

What is RC in electrical?

R for resistor, C for capacitor. RC circuit is a circuit built with a resistor and a capacitor. This circuit will have a typical pulse response that looks like exponential decaying and a typical resonance frequency.

What component that makes it more difficult for current to flow?

IF there is a Resistor

What is different between the resistor and pullup resistor?

A "pull-up" resistor is a resistor used to to perform a specific electronic function - it is not a different type of resistor. A very small current flows through a pull-up resistor so it does not need to be high wattage (1/8 watt is generally fine). The value of a pull-up resistor depends on the resistance of the sensor. If it is simply on or off (no resistance) then a typical pull-up resistor might be 10k ohms.

Why does fan not work on low and medium setting but does on high?

That is a typical sign that the blower resistor has gone faulty

Who makes books?

The book manufacturer.

Who generally makes commercials?

Manufacturer :)

How many volts in a power drill battery?

That will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and sometimes from one tool to another that a manufacturer makes.

What manufacturer makes the xr100?

The manufacturer who makes the xr100 is Honda. These parts are for dirt bikes and can be found on many sites such as; motosport, makepolo and motercylezez.

What is the purpose of a resistor in a regulated power supply?

Need more information - a typical regulated power supply would include dozens of resistors, each for one of several different reasons. Which resistor are you asking about?

Power delivered by 10ohms resistor and 25volt?

The power dissipated by a resistor is E2/R .If the "25volt" is the potential difference (voltage) between the ends ofthe resistor, then the resistor dissipatesE2/R = (25)2/10 = 62.5 watts .That's quite a fair amount of power ... more than you could expect to dissipatefrom a typical carbon composition resistor. This particular resistor is somethinglike a heating coil in a toaster or a large acquarium, for example.