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Edwards eyes are not red, they are golden. Whenever a "vegetarian" vampire is full, their eyes are golden. The vampires that drink human blood have red eyes when they're full.

All vampire's eyes go black when they're hungry.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

When the vampires are thirsty, their eyes are dark black. The thirstier, the darker. The "vegetarian" vampires (those who drink only animal blood) have bronze eyes when they are not thirsty.

The human blood drinkers have bright red eyes.

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βˆ™ 5mo ago

In the "Twilight" series, Edward's eyes are green before he transforms into a vampire.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

# "Their eyes are decribed as honey or golden, But when they are hungry they are a dark brown and black you don't even see the pupils." # He is a Vampire.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

when they feed on animal blood there eyes change to a butter-scotch colour. when they haven't eat in a while they go black.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

when edward and his family have gone to long without feeding their eyes go to a darker color. its a way for them to know "hey go drink a deer or something"

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Before he was changed his eyes were green

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Q: In twilight what color are Edward's eyes before he changes?
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What color are Edwards eyes before he is changed?

Edwards eyes are green before he is changed into a vampire by Carlisle.

What color are Edwards eyes on twilight?

They changed colour. Black when they're hungry, and a liquid gold when they're not.

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She told Edward that her favorite color on that scene was brown because she felt warm. But her favorite color changes when her mood changes.

What is Edwards's favorite color?

Edwards favorite color is red. Hope this helped!!!!

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It changes from day to day. but it says the day edward asks in twilight it is brown.

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well in twilight saga its brown, but before that it was red

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In the first book, twilight, she states that her favorite colour changes from day to day depending on her mood.

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it is a bronze

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In the Twilight series, Edward's eyes turn black after he hunts, as drinking blood causes his vampire eyes to lose their golden hue and turn dark.

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