They don't actually break they get dirty from dust that makes it thru your air cleaner that causes them to malfunction
Smoking makes your lungs dirty.
Water or air dirty with gases or chemicals is polluted water or air.
No, it causes a restricted air flow, causing poor performance and fuel economy.
Because the mud in the water makes it dirty.
If the hamsters feet are dirty when it gets on it.
Yes it does the proper air flow that the engine requires is slowed from a dirty air filter
Dirty Air/fuel filter Plugged catalytic converter Worn spark plugs Timing not adjusted properly
the soil
This expression makes no sense to me. The way that people would see your laundry airing would be if you hung them out on a clothesline; but you wouldn't put your dirty laundry out to dry, that makes no sense, the only laundry out to dry would be what you just washed--which should be reasonably clean.
because of the garbage we throw in the water and animals also poo in it.