Desert iguanas are not 'pack' animals. They are usually solitary but may share an area with other iguanas.
they live in the desert and the rainforest
There are different kinds of iguanas. Some live in the desert and some live in rain forests. So it might be that iguanas live in tennessee.... Definetly, because aren't there some iguanas in your pet store?
Yes, there are some species of iguana, especially the desert iguana, of the Americasmmthat live in deserts.
Yes, there are some species of iguana, especially the desert iguana, of the Americasmmthat live in deserts.
There are species of iguanas that live in forests and there are species that lives in deserts.
All iguanas are reptiles. It doesn't matter where they live.
no. iguanas live in the tropicis and in the tropics there is no winter. if ur iguana has not responded to u i recommend a vet....desert iguanas do hibernate in the winter.
Desert tortoises have estimated life spans of 32-80 years, desert iguanas can live 8-10 years, desert cottontails live only about 1-3 years, and desert toads have lifespans of a decade.
iguanas live in a tropical rain forest for reasons of water.
Iguanas deserve to live because of there beauty. Rockyspone1772: Correction. If iguanas didn't deserve to live, then why would god put them on this earth?
Iguanas lived approximately NOW.