The Caribbean has very clear blue water because it is clean. This water has not been overly polluted by humans yet.
People go the the Caribbean because it is beautiful. The ocean has a lot of colors like blue, light blue, dark blue, light green, and aqua. Also, the weather is nice and warm. The Caribbean is a great vacation because it is beautiful and very peaceful
The colour of and body of water is more dependent on what it is reflecting than what is in it. Fast moving or rough water reflects differently than smooth surfaced water. In summer the water reflects blue sky and is set in a green background, making it seem more "blue." In winter the sky is paler and the surrounding areas are white with snow. This allows your eye to see the water as a more green blue. Seasons are not always the mitigating factor, some times it is the depth of the water, others the latitude that effect the perception of colour. For example: The water of the Caribbean appears to be more green-blue than the waters of the north Atlantic.
Supposedly, "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue" Most people agree he landed some where in the Caribbean, not on North America.
What exactly does that mean? It grammatically makes no sense. Do you mean "of the Caribbean" instead of "if the Caribbean" If so the Black Pearl.
The Caribbean is not a country. it is a continent which is mostly composed of water. Unless you intend the plane to land in the ocean, please provide an exact location in the Caribbean.
Caribbean Blue was created on 1991-10-18.
because its cleaner and people don't pollute
Water brings warm temperature to a certain place. For example, the Gulf Stream brings warm waters from the Caribbean to the British Isles, which makes the climate more warmer. On a map, the colour of warm water is red, and the colour of colder water is purpleish blue.
Water brings warm temperature to a certain place. For example, the Gulf Stream brings warm waters from the Caribbean to the British Isles, which makes the climate more warmer. On a map, the colour of warm water is red, and the colour of colder water is purpleish blue.
Caribbean flamingos eats seeds, crustaceans, and green-blue algae. It drinks fresh water.
Green is grass, blue is water..
Y0U tell me what makes caribbean a world REGI0N !
The beauty of this Place and the tourist destination of this place makes Caribbean Important.
The light from the sun reflects on the clear water making it seem blue.
The light from the sun reflects on the clear water making it seem blue.
Blue food coloring goes into the water. The white rose takes up water in the stem and turns blue.
Jamaica is in the Carribean sea. To the East is the Gulf of Mexico & to the west is the Atlantic Ocean.