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Killing of Princ Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip member of Youth Bosna

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Earlene Ritchie

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3y ago
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12y ago

The duke of Austria Hungary and his wife were in Serbia as a sign of them ruling Serbia and a Serbian terrorist decided to assassinate them. After that the government of Austria Hungary said to serbia you need to do these things such as giving them some land and abiding our law or we'll declare war on you and Serbia agreed. But what started the war was that the foreign minister lied to the king of Austria Hungary who was in shock from his son's assassination that Serbian troops had invaded Austria Hungary and that he needed to declare war on them so they could fight back. The king was in such a state of shock that he signed the document without realizing what he was doing and if he knew what the foreign minister was doing he probably would have had him beheaded. So because the king wasn't thinking straight he ended up starting the first war that involved the world (WWI) ,due to nations having allies and colonies, and destroyed most of the young men in that generation, and it was all because of the assassination of the duke Ferdinand and his wife and mainly because the foreign minister wanted a war so much.

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12y ago

Killing of Princ Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip member of Youth Bosna

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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

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Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Serbian refusal of accepting all points in Austria-Hungarian ultimatum.

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heinz fischer

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Q: What major event led Austria Hungary to declare war on Serbia?
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Who was murdered This elusive event sparked Austria to declare war on Serbia?

On June 28, 1914, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated in Sarajevo (occupied Serbia) by separatist revolutionaries including Gavrilo Princip. This event precipitated a declaration of war by Austria-Hungary, and the beginning of World War 1.

How did nationlism cause World War 1?

A Serbian nationalist assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in the Bosnia capital of Sarajevo. He murder both Franz and his wife Sofia. This event caused Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia.

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the kaiser's support of Austria-Hungary led that nation to declare war on Serbia.

What event set off the chain of events that started World War 1?

Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary is assassinated by Gvrio Princip, a Serbian from Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia. Austria wanted money or an apology of some sort from Serbia but Serbia would not take blame or give them money. Austria-Hungary said were gana declare war with you if you don't apologize and Serbia basically said bring it on. Serbia was alliences with Russia and Austria-Hungary was alliences with Germany. Now 4 countries are in the war-Austria Hungary and Germany vs. Serbia and Russia. It continued to grow where the allies had allies and their allies had allies etc. The 2 competitors were Allies: Russia, Great Britain, France, Ireland Findland, Serbia, Italy, Romania Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottomen Empire, Bosnia, Bulgaria U.S. joined the Allies later on their own descision

Explain why Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia?

Serbia's organization, the black hand, was behind the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, the heir to the throne. There were also many long-term causes leading up to this, but this was the event that set everything in motion

What event triggered the ultimatum by Austria-Hungary to Serbia?

A Bosnian man assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and some Serbians were implicated/involved in the murder plot. Bosnia was a part of Austria-Hungary and wanted to break away to either form their own nation or join Serbia to make a bigger nation.

What was the ''SPARK'' that caused ww1?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914 was the spark that ignited World War I. This event triggered a chain reaction of alliances and tensions among European powers, leading to the outbreak of war.

What event in Austria-Hungary helped lead to Germany's defeat?

Austria-Hungary had a revolution, and that caused both empire surrendered to the Allies

What were the events leading to World War 1 that incudes nationalism imperialism and militarism?

A event that sparked the war was the assassination of Archduke of Austria-Hungary in 1914. Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist was responsible for the assassination. He believed Serbia should be independent from Austrian rule. Austria-Hungary later called war on Serbia which resulted in both Serbia and Austira-Hungary's alliances to join the war. Countries continued to join. The United States later entered the war for a different reasons such as the sinking of the Lusitania, the Zimmerman note etc.

When did the event occur which started World War I?

The Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, was killed by a gang of assassins in July 1914. When the killers escaped into Serbia, Austria-Hungary sent soldiers across the border to arrest them, effectively beginning World War 1.

What event got World War 1 started?

The Assassination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand. Germany picked on Serbia then Russia got Serbia's back... and all the alliances they had picked up. Russia Germany England/Canada Italy France Austria-Hungary U.S.A (Later)

What were the key events of World War 1?

when Frank Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated by a Serbian activist in 1914 is one main event and is the trigger that set the war off. Please add to this answer When Arch duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated in1914, by a Serbian activist, was one key event, and it was also the trigger that set the war off. Please add to this answer.