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Try the "Lemonade Diet" otherwise know as the "Master Cleanser"

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Q: What liquids should you drink on a liquid fast?
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Why does milk make you need to pee?

it makes you want to pee like any other liquid. liquids are digested very fast. so if you drink water it will take just as long for you to want to pee

What floats on water best liquid methane or liquid nitrogen trifluoride why?

These compounds as liquids are evaporated very fast at room temperature !

How fast should you drink a slim fast?

I wouldn't drink it at all, because it's NOT good for you.

How fast do liquids evaporate?

It depends on how much liquid, also the temperature, humity, and wind speed (also amount)

Compare and contrast the properties of liquids and solids?

Solids are hard but liquids have no feeling. Solids have a shape but liquids do not.

How fast does it take an ice cube to melt in different of types of liquid?

The time it takes for an ice cube to melt depends on the temperature of the liquid it's placed in. Ice will melt faster in hotter liquids like hot water or coffee compared to colder liquids like cold water or juice. The size and shape of the ice cube will also affect melting time.

Does liquid nitrogen remain in the ice cream?

Absolutely none. Cryogenic liquids are not used in food production.

How fast does liquid travel up a straw?

The speed at which liquid travels up a straw depends on factors such as the diameter of the straw, the viscosity of the liquid, and the force applied to push the liquid up. In general, liquids can travel up a straw at a rate of about 1-2 meters per second.

Does sound travel faster through a liquid or gas?

Sound travels faster through liquids than gases because the molecules in liquids are closer together, allowing sound waves to propagate more quickly.

What are the factors affecting how fast liquids will mix?

The interplay between the disruptive emotions of particles in a liquid and the attractions among the particles

Do molecules move faster in a liquid?

Molecules actually move faster in liquid because they have more space between them to move about. That's why liquid can flow, and a solid cannot. =)

Does sugar affect how fast liquids melt?

In general, sugar does not affect the rate at which liquids melt. However, adding sugar to water, for example, can slightly lower the freezing point of the liquid, making it freeze at a slightly lower temperature.