Level 29 XD XD!! (Good for using against the Ghost and Physic people in the Elite Four, well when Sandile has evolved and then when Krokorok has evolved but make sure he knows dark type attack moves)
Sandile evolves into Krokorok at level 29.
Shellos evolves into Gastrodon at level 30, but Gastrodon does not evolve.
it dose not evolve by leveling up use a water stone
chimecho doesn't evolve
If you are talking about Unknown, the Pokemon, then no, it does not evolve. But there are many different types of Unknown
sandile evolves at level 29 into krokorok
Sandile evolves into Krokorok at level 29.
sandile evolves into krokorok at level 29.
He evolves at level 29.
Sandile evolves into Krokorok at level 29.
krokorok at level 29
Sandile evolves at level 29
level 29
lv 29 :D
Sandile evolve into Krokorok at level 29 and Krokorok evolves into Krookodile at level 40.
A Sandile evolves into Krokorok at Level 29.