Grotle is not able to learn the move Earthquake by leveling or by TMs. It's evolved form Torterra is able to learn Earthquake at level 32.
GROTLE learns bite at lv.25.GROTLE evolves into a TORTERRA
Level 36. As soon as it evolves, it has the chance to learn Earthquake, and becomes a Grass/Ground type, instead of just Grass.
grotle learns mega drain at level 27
It doesn't learn Earthquake through level up, but it can learn it through the use of the Earthquake TM.
Turtwig:45 Grotle:52 Torterra:57
Yes it can, when Grotle evolves into Torterra at level 32 it learns earthquake, and also you can teach it using TM earthquake.
GROTLE learns bite at lv.25.GROTLE evolves into a TORTERRA
Level 36. As soon as it evolves, it has the chance to learn Earthquake, and becomes a Grass/Ground type, instead of just Grass.
grotle learns mega drain at level 27
Turtwig is my fav. sinnoh starter. Grotles ok. By the way turtwig evolves into grotle at lv. 18. But its nothing compared to torterra. Check it. You only have to wait to lv. 32. (Evolves at level 32) Hope this helped!, Licky Licky
At level 32(when it evolves from grotle) it will try to learn earthquake. This is super effective and will be almost a one hit KO!
Venusaur can only learn Earthquake through TM26 Earthquake.
A grotle evolves at level 36.
It doesn't learn Earthquake through level up, but it can learn it through the use of the Earthquake TM.
Grotle Evolves at level 32. At least it is not level 36:).
Metagross can only learn Earthquake with the use of a TM.
Turtwig evolves INTO Grotle at Level 18Grotle evloves INTO Torterra at Level 32