In Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen, level 32.
In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver, level 36.
In Pokemon Black and White, level 41.
Yes, it can. To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling
There is no TM for blaze kick. The only Pokemon that can learn it by leveling up are hitmonlee and blaziken. Chimchar, monferno, infernape, riolu and lucario can learn it by breeding. hope this helps! Chris
it depends on the lvl and u might have skipped it it depends on the lvl and u might have skipped it
umm if i remember corectly theyre Blaze kick over heat flamethrower size mctoss fire punch and i think he/she can learnfire blast
You shoud replace Mirror Move with ThunderPunch to have a better type coverage.
lvl 36
Chimchar doesn't learn blaze kick through leveling. To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling.
Blaze is an ability your Pokemon may have at birth. You may mean Blaze Kick. Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape do not learn Blaze Kick through leveling. To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling.
To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling.
Yes, it can. To get a Chimchar with blaze kick, you would have to breed your female Chimchar with a male Blaziken/Hitmonlee/Lucario/Smergle that already knows blaze kick. The easiest ones would be Blaziken and Hitmonlee since they learn blaze kick while leveling
i think the only way infernape can learn blaze kick is by breeding a female infernape and a male blaziken..............
Chimchar can learn the move Blaze Kick from breeding. Simply breed a male Hitmonlee or Blaziken that knows Blaze Kick with a female Chimchar. The resulting Chimchar that hatches from the egg should now have Blaze Kick as one of it's moves.
It evolves to Blaziken at level 36. After evolving, it learns Blaze Kick.
Blaze Kick is not an HM, just a regular egg and level up move. If you want Blaze Kick, try to get a Blaziken or Hitmonlee, and if they are not who you want, then breed them to get baby blaze kickers.
nope he can't he is only fire type evolve it into combusken and it can learn it and its final evolvation blaziken
It learns Sky Uppercut, Fire Punch, Blaze Kick, and that's it. Hope I helped! :)