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Its at Layer 1 of the Open Systems Interconnection Model (OSI model)

Layer 7 Application Layer 6 Presentation Layer 5 Session Layer 4 Transport Layer 3 Network Layer 2 Data Link Layer 1 Physical

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9y ago

Hubs work at the Physical Layer (Layer 1).They're basically a signal repeater. Hubs are not recommended for use in networks because they only have one collision domain. This means that data being sent through the hub has the opportunity to collide causing it to be retransmitted (CSMA/CD). Also when a host sends data to a hub, that data is sent out all ports of the hub except the port that it came in on. This is a very poor utilization of network bandwidth because all hosts have to receive this data.

Switches are much more efficient than hubs. On a switch, every port is on its own collision domain. This means that the data will not collide with data from another host which eliminates the need for data to be retransmitted. Switches are also said to operate at "Wire Speed" which means that on a 10Mbit switch, each host has a full 10Mbit up-link the the switch. Because switches operate at Layer 2, they can see where the traffic is destined for and send it out through the interface that connects to the host that is required to see that data instead of to all hosts on the switch.

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14y ago

Layer 1 - physical layer. Hubs only process individual bits; they don't analyze groups of bits, like a MAC address or an entire frame - this would be a layer 2 capacity.

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14y ago

Hubs work in Layer 1 which is the Physical Layer.

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15y ago

layer 1 The physical layer

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11y ago

below physical layer

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Q: What layer do hubs operate at in the OSI model?
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