No law covers it and it is not against the law. It might be addressed in the employment contract the employee should have signed when hired. If the employment contract does not mention a non-compete clause, employees are free to steal clients from their former employer with reckless abandon.
The main government legislation that covers health and safety in the workplace in the UK is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This law sets out the general duties that employers have to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of their employees, as well as others who may be affected by their work activities. It also provides a framework for enforcing health and safety regulations and standards.
Not all countries have legislation for working hours.Those that do vary greatly.
infection control
general bonding
A wheat futures contract covers 5000 bushels of whatever wheat (there are different kinds) is specified in the contract.
Each country has its own legislation on this topic, each with a different name.
In the US, there is no legislation that addresses the temperature of a workplace, unless you consider the General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Contract law.
Insurance that covers crime and theft by a firms employees
No. Tricare covers certain Federal employees, including retired military.
A Home Warranty is a one-year contract that covers major systems and appliances. The home warranty contract covers failures due to normal wear and tear of systems and appliances located within the foundation of the home during the contract term. This is effective and can help you in times of appliance need.