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Coral comes from the Greek word Korallion. It was them developed into the Latin corallum and then Coral in Middle English.

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8mo ago

The word "coral" comes from the Latin word "corallium."

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What language does coral came from?

The modern word coral is derived from the Greek language word korrallion.

Are there pearls in the coral in the Caribbean?

Pearls don't come from coral, they come from oysters.

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What country did the last name Coral come from?

Coral is a French surname

Where does the name coral reef come from?

The reason they are called Coral Reef is because there are lots of coral in those locations, and they are also called coral reefs or reefs of coral reefs of coral too.

Where did the coral vine come from?

The coral vine, Antigonon leptopus, is native to Mexico.

Why does coral come in different shapes?

Coral reefs come from living organisms and they form colonies of all sizes and shapes.

Is lace coral a hard or soft coral?

It is a hard coral that is usually lace like in apearence and come in a variety of colours.

How do you spell coral reaf in French?

In French, "coral reef" is spelled "récif corallien."

What lives in coral anything like fish?

Many things live in coral, in fact coral is a living thing. Some fish come to the coral to get cleaned by what is referred to as the cleaning system.

Does a coral snake come from a egg?

Yes they do. Coral snakes are egg-layers as opposed to live-bearers.

How do red coral make their own food?

Coral capture minute floating food particles that come within reach of the coral's fronds. The particle is then digested internally by the coral. Therefore, coral can't make their own food.