Rome annexed mainland Greece in 146 BC
Rome first started as a city, and then they conquered all of what is now Italy. In 133 BC, the empire consisted of Gaul, the Iberian Peninsula, and Greece. In AD 117, the empire consisted of Northern Africa, Egypt, central Europe, Britain, and all of modern day Turkey, the greatest extent of the empire. Basically, the Roman Empire conquered lands all around the Mediterranean Sea.
~ Rome was founded in 753 BC by a man named Romulus, who named the town "Rome" after himself. ~ The Romans conquered Spain in 206 BC. ~ In 146 BC, they conquered Greece. ~ The Roman Empire started in 27 AD. ~ The Roman Empire ended in 476 AD. That is all I know.
Rome fought the three Punic Wars with Carthage. They spanned from 264 BC to 146 BC
Rome conquered most of Europe between 264 BC and 44 BC
Between those dates, Rome conquered all of Italy, including the territory of the Sabines and the Greek colonists. It also conquered all of the lands belonging to the Carthagineans, the third and final Punic War ended in 146 B.
The city of Carthage.
Rome annexed mainland Greece in 146 BC
There was never a war between Greece and Rome. Rome annexed the Greek lands without incident in 146 BC.
Rome first started as a city, and then they conquered all of what is now Italy. In 133 BC, the empire consisted of Gaul, the Iberian Peninsula, and Greece. In AD 117, the empire consisted of Northern Africa, Egypt, central Europe, Britain, and all of modern day Turkey, the greatest extent of the empire. Basically, the Roman Empire conquered lands all around the Mediterranean Sea.
Rome fought Carthage from 264 BC to 146 BC .
~ Rome was founded in 753 BC by a man named Romulus, who named the town "Rome" after himself. ~ The Romans conquered Spain in 206 BC. ~ In 146 BC, they conquered Greece. ~ The Roman Empire started in 27 AD. ~ The Roman Empire ended in 476 AD. That is all I know.
Rome conquered Carthage
Rome fought the three Punic Wars with Carthage. They spanned from 264 BC to 146 BC
Rome conquered most of Europe between 264 BC and 44 BC