>Kingdom: Animalia
>Subkingdom: Eumetazoa
>Phylum: Nematoda
>Classes: Chromadorea, Secernetea, Enoplea
>Orders: search online for "Nematode orders".
Echinoderms are kept under kingdom: Animalia
Centipedes belong to the Animalia kingdom.
Worms belong to various phyla depending on their specific characteristics. Common phyla that worms can belong to include Annelida (segmented worms), Nematoda (roundworms), Platyhelminthes (flatworms), and Nemertea (ribbon worms).
The Animal Kingdom.
animal kingdom
Yes. Worms belong to the Kingdom Animalia.
Helminths belong to the domain Eukarya and the kingdom Animalia.
Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: PlatyhelminthesClass: Turbellariaorder: SeriataFamily: PlanariidaeGenus: PlanariaSpecies: maculata
Mealworms belong to the Animalia kingdom. They are part of the Arthropoda phylum and belong to the insecta class. Their scientific name is Tenebrio molitor.
No, worms are part of the animal kingdom, specifically the phylum Annelida. Fungi belong to their own kingdom called Fungi.
name the phylum of animal kingdom to which 'parasitic worms' cousing diseases , such as filarial worm, round worm belong.
Feather-duster worms belong to the phylum Annelida.
Mammals belong to the Animalia kingdom.
Segmented worms
THey belong to the kingdom Cestoda
Virus's do not belong to a Kingdom.