For most tongue problems you would start by seeing a general practitioner. That doctor may refer you to an ear, nose and throat specialist.
If you have trouble controlling your tongue you might want to talk with a psychologist.
go see your doctor i could be infected and if you leave it too long you could have tongue problems :/
Yes you should. Your taste buds are on your tongue. You need to find out why this is happening. Be sure if you are taking any medications that you remind your doctor of what you are taking as this could be a side effect of the medication.
It's obvious, go see a doctor! This is an infection, and you could lose your tongue because of it. GO SEE A DOCTOR!
You might want to see a doctor about that...
Go see a doctor.
You must have a big tongue. Congratulations, if you have her pies on the side of your tongue, see a doctor/baker immediately.
If there is a patch of purple color under your tongue you should see a doctor as it is not a good sign.
yes see a doctor very soon.
Go see your doctor
Go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor).
Go see a doctor. You either have an infection (white stuff on the surface of the tongue) or may have injured something (a tongue should be pink if it has adequate blood flow.)