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spring balance

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The local force of gravity affects the balance related to the inner ear, known as the vestibular system. This system helps maintain our sense of balance by detecting the orientation of the head in relation to gravity and providing information to the brain to coordinate movements and posture.

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Q: What kind of balance is affected by the local force of gravity?
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Which balances is affected by the local force of gravity is it beam or analytical or spring balance?

The spring balance is affected by the local force of gravity. It measures the force applied to an object based on the extension of a spring, which changes due to the gravitational force acting on the object. Beam and analytical balances operate based on comparing weights and are not affected by the force of gravity.

How are weight and mass affected by gravity?

Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity, and it depends on the mass of the object and the strength of the gravitational field. Mass, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and remains constant regardless of the gravitational field. So, weight changes with gravity, but mass does not.

Is The amount of an objects mass affected by gravity?

An object's mass remains the same regardless of the influence of gravity. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is independent of gravity. Gravity affects the weight of an object, which is the force of gravity acting on an object's mass.

A spring balance would not weigh the accurately at all locations on earth because?

A spring balance measures weight based on the force exerted by gravity. The strength of gravity varies depending on a location's altitude and latitude, affecting the accuracy of measurements. Additionally, variations in local gravitational pull due to geological factors can further impact the reliability of measurements taken with a spring balance.

What scientist would use a spring scale?

Physicists and engineers would typically use a spring scale to measure forces, such as tension or weight. It is a simple device that works on the principle of Hooke's Law, which relates the force applied to the extension or compression of a spring.

Related questions

Which balances is affected by the local force of gravity is it beam or analytical or spring balance?

The spring balance is affected by the local force of gravity. It measures the force applied to an object based on the extension of a spring, which changes due to the gravitational force acting on the object. Beam and analytical balances operate based on comparing weights and are not affected by the force of gravity.

How are weight and mass affected by gravity?

Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity, and it depends on the mass of the object and the strength of the gravitational field. Mass, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and remains constant regardless of the gravitational field. So, weight changes with gravity, but mass does not.

Is The amount of an objects mass affected by gravity?

An object's mass remains the same regardless of the influence of gravity. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is independent of gravity. Gravity affects the weight of an object, which is the force of gravity acting on an object's mass.

What determines your weight on a planet?

Your weight on a planet is determined by the strength of its gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the planet's center. The more massive the planet, the stronger the gravity, resulting in a greater weight for objects on its surface.

A spring balance would not weigh the accurately at all locations on earth because?

A spring balance measures weight based on the force exerted by gravity. The strength of gravity varies depending on a location's altitude and latitude, affecting the accuracy of measurements. Additionally, variations in local gravitational pull due to geological factors can further impact the reliability of measurements taken with a spring balance.

What scientist would use a spring scale?

Physicists and engineers would typically use a spring scale to measure forces, such as tension or weight. It is a simple device that works on the principle of Hooke's Law, which relates the force applied to the extension or compression of a spring.

Is 1 meter cube concrete wt depend upen material?

Yes. And the local force of gravity.

Does the force of gravity change at various places on earth?

Yes, the force of gravity can vary slightly depending on factors such as altitude and location on Earth's surface. The force of gravity is stronger at the poles and weaker at the equator due to the shape and rotation of the Earth. Additionally, factors such as topography and density variations in Earth's crust can also cause local variations in gravity.

What is the Formula to work out weight from length width?

You cannot. Unless you know its mass per area and the local force of gravity.

What would happend to the earth's gravitational force if the mass of sun decreases?

The mass of the sun has no effect on the portion of the local force of gravity that's due to the earth's mass.

What is the difference between pound-mass and pound-force?

Local accelleration or gravitation creates force. Mass remains constant despite presence or absence of accelleration or gravity.

Why will a dense area of rock under the surface increase the local strength of gravity?

A dense area of rock will attract objects toward it with a stronger gravitational force compared to less dense areas. This increased gravitational attraction results in a perceived local increase in gravity strength.