

Best Answer

Oh, dude, a clinometer is like a fancy tool that measures angles, so jobs that involve measuring slopes or heights, like surveyors, geologists, and architects, might use it. But hey, if you're not into that whole "measuring angles" thing, you could always use it as a cool paperweight or a makeshift frisbee.

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How does a person use a clinometer?

The clinometer should be aligned with the two dots that should be measured. Afterwards one can read the declination from the corresponding measuring tape.

For what purpose clinometer is used?

a clinometer is used to measure the height of an object such as a tree

How many types of clinometer are there?

clinometer is the device which measures angle w.r.t to gravity

What do you measure with a clinometer?


Inventor of clinometer?

The clinometer was invented by Leonard Digges, an English mathematician and surveyor, in the 16th century. Digges used the clinometer to measure vertical angles and slopes in various applications, such as astronomy and navigation.

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When was the clinometer invented?

The clinometer was invented in the early 19th century. It was first utilized by geologists and surveyors to measure angles of inclination and elevation in various applications.

Inventor of the clinometer?

The clinometer was invented by Dutch scientist Pieter van Musschenbroek in 1731. He developed it as a tool to measure angles of elevation and depression.

Who invented the clinometer?

The clinometer was invented by Leonard Digges, an English mathematician and surveyor, in the 16th century. He utilized it for measuring angles and determining heights.

What does a clinometer measure?

It measures angle of a slope or tilt

Who invented clinometer?

The clinometer was not invented by a single person, but rather its concept has evolved over time. It is believed that the clinometer was first used by ancient astronomers to measure the inclination of celestial bodies. Over the centuries, it has been improved and refined by various mathematicians, astronomers, and instrument makers.