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Station Leader, Medical Doctor, Meteorological Technical Officer, Meteorological Observer, Plant Inspector, Mechanic, Electrician, Plumber, Carpenter, Communications Officer, Chef, Scientist, Engineer, Computer Scientist, Helicopter Pilot.

There are, on some scientific stations, jobs as bus drivers, garbage staff, housekeepers, administrative personnel, cooks, dishwashers, computer staff, vehicle mechanics, science lab staff, and so forth.

The communities are self-sufficient, so all work performed on a science station is performed by employees of the government sponsoring the science conducted there. This research is basically a product of the United Nations and joint effort between corresponding administrations.

Some other jobs:

-- Jobs in geology studying the how the magnetic poles change their polarity.

-- Some climate research jobs, in everything from ice cores to sea ice plotting.

-- NASA has a facility there and astronomers use it to map the cosmos.

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Excellent article on the topic at

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Fishing, reindeer herding, some agriculture and logging.

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Q: How do you get a job in Antarctica?
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Is there people on Antarctica?

yes there is Another answer: Any person in Antarctica has a job, and works in pursuit of science for a government.

Is working in Antarctica hard?

Hard is a judgement and you are the judge. If you are not skilled, equipped or prepared to complete tasks related to a job, then, the job might be hard. Otherwise, working in Antarctica is considered by most, as a privilege.

Who is job is it to conserve Antarctica?

Mine sadly =[ Not lol i don't know who's job it is but i know what conserve means it means to "look after"

How do people act in antarctica?

People who work and live in Antarctica -- a job is required in order to live there -- act like any person anywhere would act.

Do you have work in antarctica?

If you want to live in Antarctica, yes, you must have a job. You work for your government's scientific department.American citizens, for example, work for the National Science Foundation.

What experiments did Captain Scott do?

Captain Scott's job was not to perform experiments. His job was to captain the ships and lead the teams on the expeditions to Antarctica. Even today, Antarctica is not a place for experiments; it is a place for the discovery of and the gathering of raw data about the health of planet Earth.

How does a person get a welding job in antarctica?

Find a company that needs a welder for the work it is doing in Antarctica. I would suggest that welding may not be a full time occupation in Antarctica, so you may need a second or even third marketable skill that you could offer.

How people would get to Antarctica?

People get to Antarctica on ships or by air. Commercially, however, only cruise ships carry tourists and travelers. You could charter an airplane to take you there, but there are no accommodations and no re-fueling stations for your aircraft. In order to get to Antarctica otherwise, one must have a job, working for a government in support of science.

What is the price of accommodation in Antarctica?

No one 'lives' in Antarctica, unless one has been hired by a government to live and work in Antarctica temporarily. In these cases, workers are paid for their services.

What Shots and precautions are needed in Antarctica?

No shots are required to work in Antarctica -- or to travel there as a tourist. In order to qualify for a job there -- in support of science, one must pass rigorous physical and mental health exams. No exams are required of tourists. Antarctica is the highest, driest, coldest, coldest and darkest continent on earth, so precautions may be preparations to accommodate the environment.

What continent lies south west of Australia?

Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica

How do you serve in Antarctica?

Antarctica is a continent dedicated to science. As a scientist, you can request a grant from your government to answer an unanswered question about the health of planet Earth. As a worker in support of science, you can apply for a job with your government, to work in Antarctica. Your government's Antarctic program hires workers for half-year or full year deployments. You must be skilled and able to complete the work required by the job. As well, you will be required to pass strenuous physical, dental and mental health exams before being hired.