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There are a few reasons that people do not enjoy figure skating. One reason why people dont like ice skating is because sometimes parents get too pushy and turn their children away from the sport. I believe ice skating should be competitive, but fun at the same time. A pushy parent would make ice skating not fun, just competitive. Another reason why people dont like ice skating is an obvious reason. You may not be good at the sport. Ice skating involves lots of hard work, and if you aren't willing to give it your all, then you won't be good. The next reason people don't like figure skating is because of their coach. Sometimes, coaches can be tough. Although you may not like a tough coach, they are the best ones. Finally, some people just don't like the sport. They just don't enjoy it. I hope this helped!!!!

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13y ago

because alot of people arnt good at it and don't want to put the time into it to get better. i play hockey, i barley ever have free weekends , its hours on end at practices, lots of scars and broken bones. its a tough sport.

pretty much you miss out on alot in your social life but its all worth it because hockey is really fun and its also amazing if your successful

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It is dangerous for young people but I still think its fun

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13y ago

They go on private property and usually break things and when people tell them to leave and they don't some of them are disrespectful to others they act like punks they give others a bad name

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How can ice skating injure you?

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It's spelled wrong, but it means "ice skating"

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What is the name where people do skating on ice?

Ice skating, or if you do competitive skating it is called figure skating.

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falls, doing the moves wrong and things like that...

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in line ice skating is where you skate in a line

Is Ice skating more popular then Figure skating?

Figure skating is a type of ice skating. It's like asking "Is a Ferrari more popular than a car?" A Ferrari is a type of car. Ice skating includes figure skating, speed skating, ice dancing, ice hockey, any type of activity where you move across the ice on skates. So, ice skating would have more participants because it includes more activities than just figure skating.

Hen did she take the ice skating test?

hen took some ice skating test because all the ice skaters have to take the ice skating tst

Is skating on the ice skating or watching other people skate?

Ice skating is actually putting on skates and getting out on the ice. There are two kinds of skating. There is Figure Skating, which is the more graceful dancing kind, and Speed Skating, which is just racing on the rink.

What do you wear to ice skate?

Ice skating boots or a ply skating board