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There are many brands of paint remover. Some are based on trichloroethylene and some on citrus oil. For outdoor work, the trichlor works fastest and for indoors, citrus is safest. Follow the label directions and avoid rushing the job. Let the chemical do its job. You should have to do only very little scraping. For large extents, such as re-doing an entire wall, you can sand blast brick and you can also use a propane torch with a 'duck-foot' flame spreader and lots of scraping. Big fun.

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Q: What is used to remove oil paints?
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No, that is not their intended use.

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Can oil paints be used on glass?

Yes, they can.

Can oil paints be used after they dry?

No, they are useless.

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Mineral oil is not used to remove paint. Mineral spirits is used to thin and cleanup oil based paints, however it will not affect the paint once it has dried. Remove dried oil based paint by scraping or use lacquer thinner to soften the paint so that it can be removed.

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It is used to thin oil paints. This will change the way it moves across the canvas and it's texture.

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it sure is. you can find a paraffin penguin at the local zoo. its sweat is used for oil paints. very useful if you ask me...

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Unfortunately combining oil and water in paint always results in disaster. Oil based paints must be thinned with solvent. Brushes used to paint oil based paints also need to be cleaned with solvent.

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An abrasin oil is a form of oil which is found in the Tung tree, and used in paints and varnishes.